Belated birthday cake for my hubby!!!

It was my Hubby’s birthday in April, and for the first time in our relationship (13 and a half years), I didn’t get him a present!! Since having our dee dee (nick name for our baby son), it has been difficult to find time to shop! Normally I would buy him lots of little gifts or a weekend trip away! Last year I got this giant cupcake shell so he said to bake him one. Plus it was a good excuse to try it out! I must say it was a total disaster!!! When I tried to take the cake out, the sponge inside stuck to the shell so it came out in pieces! I thought I can fix it up like a jigsaw puzzle with the buttercream but it didn’t work!! It didn’t help that my buttercream mixture was a weird consistency! It was awful looking, the cake itself was nice but looked horrible!! I was too embarrassed to even take a picture, it just looked like a strange big blue phsycadelic mushroom!!!! Not one of my greatest bake so I promised Dan that I will bake him something else instead. Anything he wants!

Nice slice with a cup of tea!

Nice slice with a cup of tea!

He was looking at my Jamie Oliver magazine and found a section on lemons and cakes and then he spotted the amaretti cake with raspberries which looked quite simple to make!!! I had a better bake and it was delicious!!! It was sweet with the amaretti biscuits on top but tart with the raspberries inside the cake! 

all baked!

all baked!