Egg Yolk Cookies

Restrictions are finally over for us in the UK, it ended on the 19th July. Yeah!! 🙂 So, on the 24th July, we had our 1st family gathering, a nice BBQ! And, luckily the weather remained dry for us, it was forecasted to be thunder and heavy rain so we were all expecting to be cooped up inside the house rather than staying outside in the garden! My brother/sis in law have a nice patio with a spacious seating area in their garden. My sis in law just asked us to bring a dessert as she would be too busy cooking all the main dishes! It was really lovely meeting up with all of our family members and eating together, I really missed those occasions so hopefully, we can have some more family gatherings! 🙂

I decided to make the pavlova (click on the link for the recipe as I have blogged about it previously). I included a pic of it below so you can see it aswell! Gosh, I hate separating the egg whites and the yolks, I always make a huge mess or it splits and then I have to start again! You only need 4 x egg whites and I probably used up 7 eggs! I find this process the hardest rather than actually making the pavlova!!

I didn’t want to waste all the egg yolks, at first, I was going to use them to make Portuguese custard tarts but found that I had more egg yolks than I anticipated! I looked up online to see what I can do with 6 egg yolks and found this blog and she shared her Egg Yolk Cookies recipe. Looks simple to make and I actually made the cookies with the boys! 🙂

I really liked her Sweet & Savory blog because in her ingredients list – she also had the ‘grams’ next to the cup measurements so you didn’t need to covert them. I always find it troublesome when you are doing the conversions because it differs as to what the ingredients is ie wet or dry! Her instructions were simple to follow so I will definitely be making some recipes from her blog!

The cookies turned out to be a biscuit/cake texture, really yummy! I didn’t include nuts in this bake as the boys just wanted the chocolate chips! 🙂 . One batch of this mixture made about 25 cookies and I also baked mine for longer around 20 minutes! Enjoy!

July 21 – Veg Dish – Vegetable Lasagna

I really like lasagnas, when I go to Italian restaurants, I always order a pasta bake or lasagnas! I don’t like making lasagnas because I find it too fiddley! You have to make two different sauces and then when it comes to assembling it, I never know which order to do it! We have found the best lasagna to buy is from Lidl, (meat version), the texture is really nice, not soggy and it has alot of beef! It’s one of our favourite dish to eat for our dinner!

My brother in law made us a veggie lasagna a couple of months ago and it was really delicious so I asked where he got the recipe from. He got it from the BBC Food’s website. I love it when it says ‘preparation time is less than 30 minutes’ as in reality, it took me over 40 minutes to prepare everything, I must be an extremely slow chopper! LOL!

I followed this recipe and the lasagna was huge!! The only difference with this set of instructions, I put the spinach right at the bottom rather than mixing it in with all the other vegetables. I found that I didn’t have enough layers as per the instructions, I am not sure whether it was because my oven dish was too big so I didn’t have enough fillings to make up the layer! I always don’t know how to do the layering and get confused with the instructions! my husband rightly said to me, why I didn’t check it out on youtube! LOL! Next time!

The veggie lasagna was delicious, power packed with all the vegetables and extremely filling and we had leftovers for the next day! Took me ages to make so maybe I would make this again if we are having friends round because it is a nice dish to share! 🙂

Frozen Grapes!

In my latest edition (July) of the Good Food magazine, I came across this article about freezing soft fruits. One of the suggestion was ‘Frozen Grapes’. I have never heard of that one before, and it says ‘it makes a great snack and especially refreshing on warm days’. I thought, I would try this out and see what happens!

I put the grapes in a little plastic container and stuck it in the freezer. The next day, we all tried it and it was hard to bite into at first as it felt like ice or something. But, if you let it melt in your mouth, it is actually really tasty! The boys couldn’t get enough of them!! It was like a cold sweet in their mouth so I guess that’s one way of making them eat 1 of 5 of their fruits and vegetables! Lol! 🙂