Sept 21 – Veg Dish – Chinese Steamed Eggs

From my childhood and still now, steamed eggs has always been a family favourite dish to eat at dinner time. My boys love it too when their ‘Por-Por’ (grandmother) makes it! I have asked my mum for the recipe! It is actually really simple but sometimes it’s still and a hit and miss when cooking it!! Even my mum sometimes messes up the cooking time!!

It basically has 3 ingredients, eggs, milk and water!! Use 3 x eggs and mix it in a measuring jug, then pour warm water approx. 100ml and top it up with milk so that the whole mixture measures up to approx. 400ml. Stir everything and pour into a metal pot for steaming, you can add a pinch of salt to it if you want. My mum’s tip is to make sure the water is boiling hot like bubbling before you pour the eggs in. Steam for 5 minutes on the maximum gas setting, I would normally steam this for 10 minutes and then switch it off and leave the lid on for awhile so that the eggs can set. The eggs should have a bit of a wobble when you take it out and looks set at the top. If it is still liquidly, then steam for another 5 minutes. Add some light soya sauce on top and serve with your other dishes and boiled rice. Also, you can add chopped up spring onions on top but i just leave it plain for the boys!

My boys love this dish as this is their favourite and can eat the whole dish between the two of them!! This is the only ‘Chinese’ dish that I can make from scratch! I know how to cook more ‘Filipino’ dishes!! Although, I am hoping to explore more Chinese cooking in the future as I have got a few cookbooks! 🙂

Japanese Curry Mix

I went to an Oriental Food shop and I love browsing all the different sauces and mixes as there are so many flavors to explore. Also, I especially love looking at their snacks and sweets. I can spend alot of money as I can’t help myself!

I only had a Japanese curry dish a handful of times in the past and remembered it being a sweet taste rather than a hot Indian curry taste which is spicy!

I brought this Japanese Curry mix for £2.50, I didn’t realise you had to use the whole block! I thought inside would be lots of cubes like when you buy your usual chicken/veg stock. It was a thick block so I guess it would be very flavorsome.

All you need is potatoes, beef, carrots and onions and serve it with boiled rice! I accidently threw the packaging away and I can’t quite remember the exact instructions!! But, it is written on the back of the packaging and from what I can remember, it was really easy to make! Just lots of chopping initially, frying the beef first and then adding all the vegetables with some water and then adding the stock right at the end. It probably took about 30-40 mins to make. It was strange though because I thought you would add the stock first to get the deeper flavoring but it was right at the end that you would do it! I didn’t add anything else to it at all!

The curry was very delicious and the sauce was not too thick or thin. The flavour tasted really authentic so am really pleased with this brand and definitely be buying this again!