Toasted Chocolate Pancakes!

My boys came me the other week and said they wanted to try out this new TikTok recipe that they saw on YouTube – toasted chocolate pancakes! They showed me the clip and I thought, ok, let’s try it out! They were super excited as it is something that they can make themselves and it’s quite fun! 🙂

So basically, you have 2 pieces of bread and you add your Kinder chocolate (3-4 pieces), I used another brand as that’s what I have got at home. Then, you use a glass and cut out a circle. Press the edges together so that it is sealed and pop in your toaster for a few mins!

I didn’t think it would work as I was worried that the chocolate would leak everywhere but it was contained! And, it tasted really nice so I was pleasantly surprised! Doesn’t take long to prep this and it’s fun for the kids to make! However, I did tell the boys, they can’t be having this every weekend, once in a while! 😛