Happy Halloween!

On insta, I have seen so many creative recipes for Halloween! So, today as I had to work and will be late coming home! I thought I would make a nice suprise sweet treat for my boys when they come back from school! I needed something super quick and the boys love oreos so I made some bats with them and spider designs!

All you need is 2 oreos per bat, break one in half and stick them down with white chocolate or icing as the wings, add some candy eyes. For the spider web, I drizzled the white chocolate and added a chocolate chip for the spider body and black icing for the legs!!

For our dinner, I made hot dog mummies as I saw this recipe post from Warburton. So simple to make and delicious! I will be making this again! In the hot dog bun, add some ketchup, grated cheese, hot dog from the tinned/jar, add more cheese and wrap it around with the bacon to make it look like a mummy. You can use olives for the eyes, I didn’t have any at home so I used some grapes! Put them in the oven for 20 – 25 minutes GM6 and enjoy!