Our Brighton trip!

Our clothes was in the rucksack, the rest belongs to Dee!

Our clothes was in the rucksack, the rest belongs to Dee!

After the christening, i booked a weekend trip to Brighton! As it was our first time away with Dee, I think i went slightly over the top with the packing as most of the stuff belonged to him rather than us!

In Brighton, we ate mostly take outs on the floor as most of the eating places closed quite early and we didn’t want to go out too late at night! Our room didn’t have a table so we ate on the floor!! We found that there were alot of mexican places to eat so i think it is very popular in Brighton!

Typical fish and chips!

Typical fish and chips!

For our first day, we had a typical fish and chips from Harry Ramsden and for the first time, we managed to finish all our dinner without having to hold Dee as he slept!!! Here are some of the foods that we had during our trip!



Fishcake and Chips

Fishcake and Chips








Pancakes from 'World of Crepes' on the Brighton Pier

Pancakes from ‘World of Crepes’ on the Brighton Pier










Our take out from Tortillia

Our take out from ‘Tortillia’








I love bubble drinks!

I love bubble drinks from ‘Chatime’!

Tea and Scones from Stanmer House

Tea and Scones from ‘Stanmer House’








Korean take out from Namul

Korean take out from ‘Namul’








Cupcake Desserts from Celebrate with a Cake

Cupcake Desserts from ‘Celebrate with a Cake’













Last night, we ate at Giraffe, I had the noodles

Last night, we ate at ‘Giraffe’, I had the noodles








Dan's meal but we thought the portion was quite small when compared to mine!

Dan’s meal but we thought the portion was quite small when compared to mine!








Needed a cheesecake to fill us up!

Needed a cheesecake to fill us up!


One for the road home!

One bubble drink from ‘Pearls’ for the road home!